Domain name server updates

We have added two improvements to our name server cluster: a third name server and IPv6 support.

Our name servers in London, UK, and in New Jersey, USA, have a new sibling: in Frankfurt, Germany. We have had geographic separation and redundancy all along; the addition of a third name server just makes this even better. And depending on where in the world your website visitor find himself, his DNS resolution might be a fraction faster.

New domains added to our name server cluster will automatically use all three name servers. Existing domains that use and need updating of their domain records and DNS zones; we will be working on this in coming weeks.

Also new, is the support for name server queries over IPv6. Our name servers have been able to serve up IPv6 addresses (AAAA records) all along, but now Internet servers can query our name server over both IPv4 and IPv6. While this does not noticeable improve anything and may seem inconsequential, it does future-proof our name server cluster in a world that is fast running out of IPv4 address space.