Important notification regarding your registered domain names

You may have received an email from Public Domain Registry about their domain registration agreement, and wonder what it’s all about.

Firstly, the email is legitimate. Second, we understand why it may be confusing and are a little bit annoyed by it. To add to the confusion (and our frustration), some versions of the email contains an incorrect Google image instead of Public Domain Registry’s company logo.

We use Public Domain Registry for registration of .COM and other domains. Public Domain Registry was recently acquired by The Endurance International Group, Inc., and they want to clarify their agreement with domain registrants. In addition, there were several changes in recent years that lead to questions, and this notice from Public Domain Registry seeks to clarify the various issues. Examples include:

  • ICANN (the overseeing authority) imposed new regulations that require registrant verification.
  • ICANN imposed restrictions and new procedures for change of registrant.
  • Public Domain Registry offers a domain registration privacy service to mitigate spam to registrant.
  • Public Domain Registry Domain has certain procedures when a domain expires, including displaying a parked message.

There is nothing new or of any concern in there. Unless you are legal eagle that likes to read every word, we think it is safe to accept the content of the notice and move on. No action is required from your side.