One less password to remember!

Starting today, you can log in to the Anno Client Portal using your Google or Twitter login.


  1. Go to the Anno Client Portal login page, and click the Google or Twitter button.
  2. Log in to Google or Twitter (if you are not already logged in) and initiate the login integration.
  3. On return to the Anno Client Portal login page, log in asusual to complete the login integration.

OAuth Sign-In

Next time your visit the Anno Client Portal, one of two thing swill happen:

  1. If you are already logged in to Google or Twitter, you will automatically be logged in to the Client Portal.
  2. Else, log use the Google or Twitter button to log in there, and then be automatically logged in to the Client Portal.


Behind the scenes, the Anno Client Portal is using the OAuth protocol to securely exchange login tokens with Google or Twitter. The procedure is totally safe and secure. But as always, please do keep your passwords (Google, Twitter and Anno Client Portal) safe!