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Server WWW-27 Problems- 9 June

Server WWW-27 Problems- 9 June

Linux server WWW-27 was throwing MySQL connection errors this morning. We have addressed the underlying problem of high server load.

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ZA Domain Delays – 29 May

The ZA Central Registry is experiencing a problem with their payments, causing failure of registration and renewal of CO.ZA and ORG.ZA domains via Anno. The root issue a technical problem with a switch at ABSA. We trust that the issue will be resolved soon.

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Server WWW-27 Problems- 19 April

Server WWW-27 Problems- 19 April

Linux server WWW-27 found itself under very heavy load this morning. We have rebooted the server and continue to monitor the situation. We apologise for the inconvenience.

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SMTP connection errors – 8 March

We Our Cape Town infrastructure has been struggling with outgoing spam scanning, resulting in SMTP connection errors.

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Time to change those passwords… AGAIN!

Big news today is the leaking of sensitive information by Internet giant Cloudflare over the past few months…

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