
ZA Central Registry maintenance – 26 April

The ZA Central Registry will perform database maintenance on 26 April between 06:30 and 07:30 SA time. During the maintenance period all management functions for CO.ZA and ORG.ZA will be unavailable. All domains will of course continue to function as normal.

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Name server maintenance – 21 April

Name server maintenance - 21 April

The London data centre that hosts our primary name server will perform network switch maintenance on 21 April between 18:00 and 21:00 GMT. No downtime is anticipated, but in the worst case our secondary name server will respond to queries.

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WWW-28 outage – 4 April

WWW-28 outage - 4 April

Server WWW-28 was offline for emergency maintenance today between 12:00 and 14:30 GMT.

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Say hello to our new cPanel theme

We have rolled out a new responsive theme for cPanel.

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Outlook February update troubles

If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2016 and installed the February update, you may be in for a couple surprises…

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