Dallas Data Centre Outage – 26 May

The Dallas Data Centre experienced a power outage following a major storm.

Initial reports are that battery and generator backup systems kicked in as expected, but then got overloaded leading to a complete shutdown. Carrier-1 is a top-tier data centre, and we know that they will investigate and fix the weaknesses in backup power systems.

11:21 UTC Issue
There is a complete network outage at the Dallas Data Centre.

12:00 UTC Update
We are still waiting on an official update. For the time being we are feeding from information on the Web Hosting Talk forums, which suggest a power outage after a major storm.

12:50 Update
We have received confirmation that the data centre is having a power issues, and working to get servers back online as soon as possible.

14:20 UTC Update
Power has been restored and all services are back online.

One Response

  1. Chris Reeler
    Chris Reeler 28 May 2024 at 09:27 |

    Anyone else still having issues here? Mail issues on server not able to send or receive.

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