
Server WWW-29 Slowness – 26 June

Server WWW-29 Slowness - 26 June

We are seeing slow high loading websites caused by slow connections to the MySQL server. Our attempts to gracefully recover from the problem have failed, and we are rebooting the server.

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Incomplete invoices – 20 June

Several invoices that we issued on 16 June were mysteriously missing line items. The issue seems to have occurred mostly with invoices that contained line items for promotional discounts. We have now re-sent the affected invoices — same amount, just with the relevant details.

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Security Updates and Reboots – June 14

Security Updates and Reboots - June 14

We are performing updates to all our servers, including cPanel and performance/security updates for the respective Linux kernels. The updates will require a reboot of each server.

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Server WWW-27 Problems- 9 June

Server WWW-27 Problems- 9 June

Linux server WWW-27 was throwing MySQL connection errors this morning. We have addressed the underlying problem of high server load.

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ZA Domain Delays – 29 May

The ZA Central Registry is experiencing a problem with their payments, causing failure of registration and renewal of CO.ZA and ORG.ZA domains via Anno. The root issue a technical problem with a switch at ABSA. We trust that the issue will be resolved soon.

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