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W-29 Server Outage – 3 and 4 July

W-29 Server Outage - 3 and 4 July

Server W-29 in the Dallas data centre was offline on Friday into Saturday after hard drive problems.

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My website is feeling blue!

My website is feeling blue!

No, this is not a reference to feelings of depression, but rather the recent blue look of websites everywhere…

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WWW-30 Server Maintenance – 22 May

WWW-30 Server Maintenance - 22 May

Server WWW-30 will receive an upgrade to its remote monitoring and management (RMM) system on Friday afternoon. The upgrade requires the server to be taken offline for a about half an hour.

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Hello PHP 7.4!

We are happy to announce availability of PHP 7.4 on all our servers. With that, we are also giving six month notice of the end of availability of PHP 7.2.

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Meet your new best friend!

We are please to announce the available of JetBackup on all our servers.

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